365英国上市杜波依斯分校 celebrates grand opening of the newly renovated PAW Center

Ribbon cutting in front of the PAW Center building at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校

The 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 PAW Center ribbon cutting was held on Nov. 1; pictured are Roger Thies, 丽贝卡·彭宁顿, 唐娜Kohlhepp, 丹Kohlhepp, 乔伊斯Fairman, 克里斯Beretsel, Jungwoo Ryoo, 查尔斯Snapp, 凯莉奥斯丁, 斯科特·迈克布莱德, John Luchini和Bill Sitzabee.


杜布瓦,爸爸. — 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 celebrated the opening of the Physical fitness, 体育运动, 和健康中心11月. 1 with campus and University leaders in attendance including 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 Chancellor Jungwoo Ryoo; 凯莉奥斯丁, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses; Bill Sitzabee, vice president of Facilities Management and Planning and chief facilities officer; Mike Sgriccia, project executive for Alexander Building Construction; and 丽贝卡·彭宁顿, 学生事务主任.

The PAW Center’s opening is the culmination of a long-held vision to update the Multipurpose Building, 哪一个在1967年投入使用. Discussions began in 2017 around the much-needed renovation project and in 2019, Kimmel Bogrett was approved by the Penn State Board of Trustees as the architect. Like many other things during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, 这项备受期待的翻新工程被搁置了. 

Through the persistent efforts of campus leadership, retired Chancellor M. 斯科特·迈克布莱德 and retired Director of Business and Finance John Luchini, along with the Office of Physical Plant and the Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, this transformational project was approved to begin construction by the Board of Trustees in July 2021.

We are so grateful for everyone’s efforts in getting this project going and seeing it through to completion. Wellness is a top priority at our campus and having such a beautiful new facility, 就在365英国上市杜波依斯分校, is already providing such a positive impact on our students, 社区, 教职员工.

—Jungwoo Ryoo , Chancellor and chief academic officer for 365英国上市杜波依斯分校

“We are so grateful for everyone’s efforts in getting this project going and seeing it through to completion. Wellness is a top priority at our campus and having such a beautiful new facility, 就在365英国上市杜波依斯分校, is already providing such a positive impact on our students, 社区, 教职员工,柳说。.

项目团队于2021年8月开始施工, 尽管存在供应链问题, successfully completed the new PAW Center for the fall 2022 semester.

凯莉奥斯丁, 联邦校园副校长说, “365英国上市杜波依斯分校 is helping to lead the charge with state-of-the-art facilities like the PAW Center, 哪项运动将进一步提高田径成绩, 健康和娱乐. 这样做的时候, it represents a giant step forward in our efforts to realize a more integrated and better resourced Penn State experience.”

在装修期间, the campus really showed how committed they are to us as students and student athletes by providing us with an alternative place to work out and coordinating places for our teams to practice and play. We truly appreciate all of the effort they put into making sure we were taken care of.

—拉里萨James-LaBranche , 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 student-athlete

拉里萨James-LaBranche, 一位主修商科的大四学生运动员说, “在装修期间, the campus really showed how committed they are to us as students and student athletes by providing us with an alternative place to work out and coordinating places for our teams to practice and play. We truly appreciate all of the effort they put into making sure we were taken care of.”

365英国上市杜波依斯分校 donors were recognized for their contributions to fund the PAW Center with spaces named for each in the building, 包括纪念克里斯汀·M. Beretsel, class of 1986; Fairman Family Foundation; Robert G. Johnson, class of 1971, and Janine Fennel Johnson; Daniel B. Kohlhepp, 1969年和1971年的毕业生,Donna S. Kohlhepp; support by 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 students, who chose to contribute funds from the student-initiated fee; and Charles E. 斯纳普,现在体育馆以他的名字命名.

我参与体育运动, 尤其是篮球, made the opportunity to support the PAW Center an easy one to make. The experience of being the student manager of the PSU 杜波依斯 basketball team back in my college days played a big, big role in me doing what I could to make the PAW Center a reality.

何时E. 斯纳普,1963届毕业生,捐赠者

Snapp, 1963届毕业生, 提供先导礼物, and he said that this project was very close to his heart. “我参加体育运动, 尤其是篮球, made the opportunity to support the PAW Center an easy one to make. The experience of being the student manager of the PSU 杜波依斯 basketball team back in my college days played a big, big role in me doing what I could to make the PAW Center a reality.”

露易丝·班尼特, president of the 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 Student Government Association said, “Our students wanted to renovate the Multipurpose Building, 我们不只是说说而已, 我们走到最后. Our students put half a million dollars of facility fee funds toward the PAW Center because this project was of utmost importance to us.”

The PAW Center was designed as a space not only for athletics, 也是为了健康, 社区与聚会. 该设施是一个体育套房, 体育馆, 护理和医生办公室, 最先进的健身中心, 游戏休息室, 还有一间多用途健身室, 冥想, 还有教育课程.

“While our student athletes are proud to be part of a team on this campus with this new space, 这座建筑不仅仅是为了学生运动. It’s about gathering, wellness, and making a connection to the University. We are seeing this happen every single day in this new space,丽贝卡·彭宁顿说, 学生事务主任.